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Lead Gen

Label: Strategy | Growth | Sales | Marketing

The best lead generation strategy, as well as your overall marketing strategy, often requires thinking about where clients and users learn about you and what information they receive at each stage.

Identify the channels and strategies you will use to go from “educating users about the problem” to ensure that they buy and recommend your product.



Understand your user, define their journey and select the best strategy

The best lead generation strategy, as well as your overall marketing strategy, often requires thinking about where clients and users learn about you and what information they receive at each phase.
Buyer journey phases 👉 Awareness>Acquisition>Activation…
Identify the channels and strategies you will use to go from “educating users about the problem” to ensure that they buy and recommend your product. Each phase may require different channels. In order to determine which channels would suit your current constraints, ask yourself the following four questions:
  1. Does the customer use this channel? Will this channel reach enough customers?
  2. Do you have the funds to activate this channel? Do you have the funds to test different ideas and improve your results?
  3. Do you have the people and skills to manage this channel?
  4. Consider moving the channels and strategies inside the Lead generation triangle if you answered yes to all those questions.


Choose the strategy and the channels

At this step, you will focus on one of the phases from the buyer’s journey and create a plan to ensure users/potential customers move to the next phase.
Marketing and sales will determine how leads are generated, i.e., whether customers find you (inbound lead generation) or you find them (outbound lead generation).
👉Inbound lead generation:
  • Content marketing: About 80% of B2B companies use content marketing for lead generation. (downloadable content, videos, podcast, blog posts, etc)
  • Social media: About 66% of marketers generate leads from social media after spending only 6 hours per week on social marketing. Great for B2C companies.
👉Outbound lead generation:
  • PPC Advertising: PPC advertising is very effective and can also be a key to massive sales if you use Google Search, ad networks, Facebook, etc.
  • Email out reach: Use tools like Apollo, Hunter, FindThatLead, Lusha and to get emails from any website and social media page and some of them help you automate your email campaign.


Plan your strategy

Add your budget and define your goals.

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Nova is a collaboration and productivity platform that leverages intelligent technology to help teams work together while coordinating the work for you – so teams can share their knowledge and get things done efficiently. Unlike other platforms  –  Nova helps organize work by goals, people and deadlines and includes tools like whiteboards, tasks and documents to get things done in the same space.

Nova was Co-founded by Ro Fernandez so includes all our tools.

Here is an overview. Nova includes a collaborative space, a template, a video/voice call, a trackable step-by-step process, an intelligent report, and more. 

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