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Team Pulse

Label: Team health | Management | Culture

Team survey that helps prevent disengagement, burnout and poor outcomes.

This survey can help managers like you correct the course of a project by getting a quick view of how things are going – by answering these 3 questions: Do they have enough time and resources? Do they feel empowered and comfortable working as a team? Do they have a good understanding of their role?

You can edit these questions or add additional ones.

Get access to this tool for free inside @Nova. 

Nova is a collaboration and productivity platform that leverages intelligent technology to help teams work together while coordinating the work for you – so teams can share their knowledge and get things done efficiently. Unlike other platforms  –  Nova helps organize work by goals, people and deadlines and includes tools like whiteboards, tasks and documents to get things done in the same space.

Nova was Co-founded by Ro Fernandez so includes all our tools.

Here is an overview. Nova includes a collaborative space, a template, a video/voice call, a trackable step-by-step process, an intelligent report, and more. 

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