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Workshops & Training/Growth Programs

All our workshops, training, and coaching sessions aim to provide value in each session and ensure we give you the tools to move forward without creating dependencies. For us, sharing that knowledge and giving your team the tools to change their mindset and approaches is a way to create autonomy and growth. You can browse the workshops we offer today and even contact us to see if we can adapt them to your team or browse our products and books.

Leading Better Meetings meetings


Is your team equipped with the skills needed to lead engaging and productive meetings? Provide them with a simple framework that is easy to remember and can be implemented immediately to lead better meetings.

In this workshop, your team will practice the framework and the art of asking powerful questions.

Duration: 1 -3 hours    |   How: Remote/In-person.

Play to Win strategy


Play to Win is a framework used by teams to define long-term and short-term strategies by thinking like their competitors first. This is a very fun and strategic workshop for teams and leadership.

Duration: 6 hours to 3 days    |   How: Remote/In-person. (Recommendation: In-person)

Building the Future strategy


What if you could predict the future to better tackle business opportunities? This is possible by analyzing today’s trends and their symptoms. During this workshop, your team will collaborate and discuss current trends, exploring how these trends will shape the future of your products or services within your ecosystem. The discussion will conclude with the identification of potential opportunities for your business, giving you a competitive advantage in building the future rather than merely adapting to it.

Duration: 1 to 2 hours.    |   How: Remote/In-person.

12 Dimensions of a Healthy and Productive Team leadership


What’s your leadership team exploring when evaluating which activities or areas should be improved to keep the team motivated, productive, and autonomous in achieving results? Learn about the 12 dimensions of a healthy and productive team and how to use this framework to build a continuous improvement plan, enabling your team to do their best work. This workshop is for the leadership team and can be conducted once or annually to ensure continuous improvement.

Duration: 3-7 hours.    |   How: Remote/In-person.

Team & Individual Growth team growth


Is your leadership team effectively providing performance reviews and feedback to help employees grow and stay motivated? Giving constructive feedback is challenging. In this workshop, the leadership team will learn a simple framework to provide better feedback and create action plans for continuous employee growth. This practical workshop will equip leaders with at least one feedback and action plan for one of their team members by the end of the session.

Duration: 3-6 hours.    |   How: Remote/In-person.

Leading Better Meetings meetings


Provide the training and support needed for your team to improve their skills in leading meetings and transitioning some meetings to asynchronous formats. This training is customized to your team and goals and can be targeted to specific departments or start with the leadership team.

Duration: 4 days to 3 months  |   How: Remote/In-person.

Working Asynchronously (Mastering remote work) remote work


Is your team spending all day in meetings? Is this habit slowing down progress and decision-making? Productive and effective collaboration can be done asynchronously, but the team needs to change their habits. This training will help transform the way your team works, reducing meetings by at least 20% and giving people back the time and energy to get things done. This training is customized to your team and company.

Duration: 15 days to 3 months  |   How: Remote/In-person.

Leadership Growth leadership


Share techniques and frameworks that can help leaders manage their time and their teams effectively. From providing feedback to employees to leading better 1-on-1s.

Duration: 7 days to 2 months  |   How: Remote/In-person.

Organizational Growth productivity


Are you trying to scale? Is there chaos, with a lot of time wasted on recurring and administrative tasks? Do teams report a lack of clarity? Get help defining and implementing processes that provide autonomy and flexibility to your teams. This will help managers gain time back, allow your team to feel more confident in making decisions, and ensure things get done faster while keeping track of decisions.

Duration: 1 to 5 months  |   How: Remote/In-person.

The Art of Asking Powerful Questions to Lead Better Meetings meetings


Is your team equipped with the skills needed to lead engaging and productive meetings? Provide them with a simple framework that is easy to remember and can be implemented immediately to lead better meetings.

Duration: 20-30 min  |   How: Remote/In-person.

Play to Win strategy & growth


The importance of thinking like your competition when defining your vision, action plan and strategy.

Discover the importance of thinking like your competitor when defining your objectives and vision, turning this into a competitive advantage. This quick and simple presentation introduces the Play to Win framework.

Duration: 20-30 min  |   How: Remote/In-person.

About us


We are a small organizational productivity and health firm dedicated to helping teams enhance their communication across disciplines, bringing clarity and a holistic perspective to their collaborative efforts. Our approach fosters innovation by guiding teams to continuously improve their workflows and solutions while teaching both teams and individuals the principles of productive and healthy work habits.

Led by Ro Fernandez, an expert in strategy, product development, organizational transformation, innovation, and productivity, our team benefits from her extensive experience. Ro has authored books and led conferences on how to lead better meetings and how to win in a competitive market, and she brings international experience from various industries, including clean energy, manufacturing, SaaS, furniture, consulting and music.

We offer both products and services. You can browse our products and books as an alternative to our services or contact us to learn more about how we can adapt our services to your business.

Learn more about Ro Fernandez (LinkedIn profile)

Learn more about Nova.

Play to Win Workshop

Play to Win Workshop, Vancouver (Canada)

The Art of Asking Powerful Questions (Book)

Ro Fernandez

Ro Fernandez, Presenting her new book ” The Art of Asking Powerful Questions”

Ro Fernandez

Ro Fernandez at Collision, Toronto (Canada)


Ro Fernandez at Plug&Play, Alberta (Canada)

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