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Team Retro

Label: Management | Culture | Project Evaluation

Reflect on the sprint, identify past pitfalls, and propose new ideas with this sprint retrospective template.

Lead your team retros asynchronously or during a meeting.




Before you start: The mood-o-meter: (Take the temperature in the “session”) How is everyone feeling?👇



Keep, Stop, Add

  1. What is going well? What should we keep doing?
  2. What should we stop doing?
  3. What should we start doing?

Discuss answers and build an action plan.

We have multiple templates and spaces. You can choose between a list session or a whiteboard.

team retro from Nova

Get access to this tool for free inside @Nova. 

Nova is a collaboration and productivity platform that leverages intelligent technology to help teams work together while coordinating the work for you – so teams can share their knowledge and get things done efficiently. Unlike other platforms  –  Nova helps organize work by goals, people and deadlines and includes tools like whiteboards, tasks and documents to get things done in the same space.

Nova was Co-founded by Ro Fernandez so includes all our tools.

Here is an overview. Nova includes a collaborative space, a template, a video/voice call, a trackable step-by-step process, an intelligent report, and more. 

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